Dealing With Used Motor Oil

For automobiles, motor oil is essential for proper engine performance, as is regularly replacing it. With the plants and animals with which we share our natural environment, motor oils can also be harmful and deadly. Oil that is improperly released into garbage cans, storm drains and does not break easily on the ground and can cause irreversible damage to the environment. Even relatively small amounts of used motor oil can contaminate millions of gallons of fresh water, which humans, plants and animals rely on for daily life and survival. Additionally, contamination caused by disposal of used motor oil on the ground may render soil unable to support plant life for decades. Fortunately, many local governments as well as private entities such as auto repair businesses, car dealerships and automobile parts stores use motor oil from consumers for recycling. Nevertheless, consumers who are unaware or unwilling to follow safe motor oil disposal methods are releasing millions of gallons of pollution into the environment, preventing pollution from being easily constructed.

Companies that accumulate large quantities of used motor oil as a by-product of trading, such as an oil change service station, must comply with laws regulating their methods of dealing with motor oil. If you are like many people and change your vehicle's motor oil yourself, use online resources, consult a local phone book, and determine the most convenient means of recycling used motor oil in your area Get a personal referral. Some communities also provide convenient road side collection of motor oil for recycling. Even if you choose the method of recycling the used motor oil, make sure that you are using the oil in a suitable container with a safe lid that has not been used to store other household chemicals. In addition, inquire about the appropriate means of collecting the accumulated oil in your oil filter, which can also be recycled.

In addition to reaping significant environmental benefits, recycling used motor oil conserves the world's precious natural resources and saves energy and money. Used motor oil can be recycled and reproduced in a valuable, usable substance with the ability to provide electricity and heat energy for locations such as power plants and other manufacturing facilities. The use of recycled motor oil for energy reduces the demand for petroleum from the world's limited reserves and becomes an affordable, renewable source of energy.


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