Recycling - Don't Just Be a Trend
Why should we recycle? This is a fairly simple concept. When you change something old from something new, it benefits the environment in many ways. Material and natural resources are not wasted. Energy-saving occurs during the manufacturing process. Less waste going to landfill. Not to mention, it helps to keep wildlife safe.
Recycling helps in creating good jobs. A study in 2016 found that recycling activities in the United States accounted for 757,000 jobs.
We can all make a difference by practising proper recycling. As the County of Arlington Virginia Trash and Recycle Site states, "Recycling is collected locally, but has an impact globally."
Within the last few years, too many people have started recycling regularly. In fact, there are now more businesses with commercial recycling programs than ever before. (read more: Turn the Waste Engine Oil into Profits)
While this is certainly beneficial, it is important to realize that recycling is not just a temporary trend. It should be a permanent movement towards tackling pollution. Here are some important reasons why recycling is for living.
CONSERVES Natural Resources
Things like mineral sand, water, oil and trees are a very important part of our ecosystem but are also commonly used in manufacturing processes. Therefore, the more often a person is able to recycle, the less new products will need to be made. This means that the total amount of natural resources consumed each year can be drastically reduced, which is a great way to help the environment.
Teach children recycling
Teaching children about recycling will help ensure that it is not just a fad in our generation. (Read more: Why re-refining used engine oil?)
Carbon emissions
One of the most important recycling benefits is the fact that it is able to significantly reduce the number of carbon emissions generated each year. Since these gases are a large part of the ozone layer slowly being destroyed, the faster we can stop these carbon emissions, the more we will protect the Earth's atmosphere.
Every time you recycle an object, it means that factories around the world have to work fewer hours to produce the required amount of products, resulting in fewer carbon emissions from these facilities.
Saving money
Something you've never done before is saving money. Thankfully, this is yet one of the recycling benefits you can expect to receive. Since dealing with recycling waste is significantly cheaper than the process of disposal of common waste, it means that the government is going to be able to spend less on waste collection. This will inevitably lead to lower taxes, which is more money in your pocket.
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