Significance of Recycling
Since the Industrial Revolution, we have been using natural resources without thinking about the consequences. Nearly a century and severe environmental imbalance and dwindling ozone layers, global warming, pollution, etc. are the beginning of havoc due to unmatched consumption and waste. Fortunately, people have become conscious of this and more efforts are being made to maintain balance. Waste consumption has natural consequences but if we take some conscious measures of waste recycling we can help reduce pressure from the environment. Many firms and companies, which account for the greater part of the consumption pyramid, have already started taking these services of suitable paper recyclers. They have understood the following benefits of recycling. Energy Saving: The study shows that if we opt for recycling, there is about 60-70% embodied energy savings. Embodied energy is the energy that is used to make finished products from raw materials. And we all know that energy savi...